Farewells of the clan


Mitchel Carl McCubbin
(July 28, 1955 - April 7, 2008) .

Mitchel Carl McCubbin

Torrey – Mitchel Carl McCubbin, 52, passed away Monday, April 7, 2008 in Salt Lake City.

He was born July 28, 1955 in Salt Lake City, a son of Melvin and Marilyn McCubbin.

He loved rock collecting, hunting, fishing and just being out of doors. Listening to "The Blues" and playing his bass along. He loved to spend time with his family and friends. Mitchel was especially loved by all the many friends he had and it showed through his many kind acts. We will all miss him daily and cherish his memory.

Mitchel is survived by his son Chris, daughter Melodie, and daughter Melissa. Grandchildren.

1955 - 2008 Mitchel Carl McCubbin, age 52, of Torrey, Utah died April 7, 2008 in Murray, Utah of a heart attack. He was born July 28, 1955 in Salt Lake City, a son of Melvin Carl and Marilyn Eccles McCubbin.

He married Doreen Cerqua October 4, 1973 in Sun Valley, California. They were later divorced. Mitch enjoyed fishing, rock hounding and spending time with his grandchildren and other family members. He is survived by his mother, Marilyn E. Tulin of Torrey; children: Christopher McCubbin of Ogden; Melissa (Zoli) McCubbin of Palmdale, California; Melodee (Mike) Sandoval of Murray; grandchildren: Michael, Jayden, Ciara, Elizabeth, Zoe, Joseph, Anthony, Delbert and Kylie; brothers and sisters: Margaret and Terry McGurie of Mariposa, CA; Monica and Don Nelson of Canyon Country, CA; Michael and Kris McCubbin of Romona, CA; Mark and Sue McCubbin of Carson City; NV; Michelle and Joe Perkins of Torrey; Malan and Trish McCubbin, Monte and Teri McCubbin, all of Sunland, CA; Melonie and Dennis Huffman of Kagle Canyon, CA; Matthew McCubbin of Canyon Country, CA; Mignon Gudmundson of Eagle River, AK.; Merrill Tulin of South Dakota; Steve and Karen Tulin of West Valley City.

I can see around the world below, the sight is so spectacular. Please wipe away that tear for I am soaring with the eagles. The time is finally here!!! I can't tell you of the splendor or the peace here is this place. I'll be able to light your spirit and still fell of our love and peace. So lift your eyes above and always remember my love. Please let your hearts be joyful. And let our spirits sing. For I am soaring like an eagle. Wow!!! What a beautiful freeing.

I love you all!!! Mitch

All are welcome in the celebration of his life .

With the smile and look to all he loved...

There is a stirring in the hearts of us all and sometimes all to soon God takes some of His children home.



I received some really bad news this morning. Mitchel was found Monday morning gone to be with the Lord. He suffered a fatal heart attack before anyone knew. My heart is breaking as I am sure that yours is at the loss of my brother. I can only keep my eyes on the last visit, the last conversation, the last picture of him at saying "see ya later". I am lost for words...

God Bless You All, Michael


There is so much to be missed and so much more to have just been a part of his life. 

Mitchel found out just how much God is in everything and there was a bigger plan than just living. He got to taste it, feel it and love it.


Listen, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but will all be changed-in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and mortal with immortality. when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." "Where, O death, is your victory? where, O death , is your sting?"

1Corinthians 15:51-55



Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Matthew 5:4


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