Welcome to the Marilyn Eccles McCubbin Tulin Gallery

Here they are.

In these pages are my children, their children and their children's children. My legacy of life.

There is no greater love than the gift of life. I would live this life all the same if I could do it over so I wouldn't miss a thing.

I learned so much from you all and love you beyond all you can imagine.

To be your mother is my greatest treasure. God has blessed us greatly.


Here I am in 1935 and adorable


Here I am in 1973 and Beautiful



I learned so much from you, together we built a home, a safe place for our children to have for always. Thank you for all the years...



Fearless companion, Christmas morning every day.



My Mom and Dad

Henry Price Eccles

My adopted Father, I learned about love and God and how much I could be loved.

Ella Eccles

My adopted Mom, I learned caring for everyone didn't require being big except in heart.

Donna Jean Eccles Sovereen

I learned to be bigger than my circumstance.

Buss Sovereen

I learned about Fathers and love of a wife, my mom.



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